IP Administration



Overall, IP-Safe takes care of all the practical aspects of submitting applications, correspondence with agents and authorities, and payment of fees.

We can keep track of deadlines and patent advisors, no matter where in the world they are located, and we ensure that you always have online access to relevant documents and data about your portfolio.

Our team of employees comes with experience from many different types of companies, and we have taken all the best elements of our knowledge and boiled it down into a system that optimally utilizes resources while ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. Ensuring your IP rights are in safe hands is our focus.

Advantages to IP-Safe


The advantages of using IP-Safe can be many. Three advantages we often hear from our customers are that IP-Safe creates flexibility, free system choice, and the freedom to choose an advisor for new patent cases:

1. Flexibility and Costs

With IP-Safe on board, you get great flexibility. You only pay for what you get, and the price is adjusted continuously, depending on how many cases we handle for you. You can also use us when you need extra hands during busy periods, and in this way, scale our assistance up and down as needed.

2. Free System Choice

We want to collaborate with our customers on a common platform. You choose which system you want to have your IP cases in. If you already have a system that you are happy with, we will naturally work in it. Otherwise, we provide our system, with online access to your cases and documents. If you want advice and guidance on which system will suit your needs, we can also help you with that.

3. Freedom to Choose Advisor

Whether you use different advisors and/or do some of the work in-house, we can take care of the administration of all your IP cases (patents, trademarks, designs). Therefore, you can freely choose the advisor you want to work with on each case and still have an overall overview of your entire IP portfolio. We gather all the threads for you.



We can give you a clear idea of the cost level of using IP-Safe. For that, we offer a free evaluation.